Transit Advertising: Capturing Audiences on the Move

Transit marketing is a powerful way to advertise when you want to reach a wide audience. By advertising on buses, trains, or other transportation vehicles, you’re able to reach an audience of all ages. Transit advertising targets people as they commute to work, enjoy a night out, spend the day shopping, or drive around town. This type of advertising is unique because it allows for creative ways to deliver your message and geo-target your audience. And unlike online or broadcast advertising, it can’t be skipped over or turned off.
Types of Transit Advertising Include:
Commuter Vehicles
Commuter Vehicles
Can’t Miss Advertising
Why is transit advertising an effective way to advertise? Transit advertising is strategically positioned to surround commuters on their travels. There are even new options, such as advertising on rideshare, delivery or high-mileage commuter vehicles. The marketing message goes with them as they travel, going about their daily life. One of the benefits of transit advertising is that the audience is unable to ignore the message in the same way they might ignore an online advertisement. The large colorful design of a transit ad ensures that it attracts attention. Transit advertising also has the added advantage of offering flexibility in ad size and location, providing exclusivity in that advertising space.
Our Experience
Strategic Marketing has developed and orchestrated transit advertising campaigns on the behalf of many clients. We have handled everything from interior and exterior bus advertisements to subway ads in large metro areas. And because transit advertising isn’t just about designing the ad and putting it in place, we monitor the campaign so we can measure the results. We are experts in ensuring that your transit advertising campaign is a success. By pairing eye catching design with strategically planned placement, your audience will take note of your brand. Contact Strategic Marketing today and let us handle your transit advertising while you handle more customers.