Studies show that the credibility of a website is determined within the first few seconds of interaction. Consumers demand a certain standard when it comes to the user experience of a website. Website design that is easy to navigate and beautiful to look at can mean the difference between gaining or losing business. If your business website isn’t quite up to par, you could be missing out on potential business opportunities. Here are some crucial factors to consider.
A User-Friendly Experience
Websites are a resource for customers, allowing interaction with a business 24 hours a day. This means that a website should be easy for them to use. Some of the key elements of a good user experience is a simple design, easy navigation, readability, and distinct messaging. Also crucial to both the user’s experience and your bottom line are clear calls-to-action and contact information.
Simple design: The overall appearance of a website should be uncluttered and organized, as well as consistent. There may be several styles that you like but refuse the temptation to experiment with them on the website. Use colors and images that are consistent with your brand and design collateral.
Easy navigation: Give customers the ability to search the website. This only makes it easier for them to find what they’re looking for. Another important feature is making the navigation bar easily accessible on the homepage. They’ll be thankful they don’t have to spend time looking for it.
Readability: Are the fonts on your website legible and large enough to read? What about the color of the font and the background colors? It’s also important not to bombard the user with information they might not need at the moment. Instead, allow them to delve deeper by using drop-down menus and additional pages.
Messaging: It’s easy to focus on the look of a website and not give what it conveys as much consideration. Remember that your website is your best opportunity to brand and convey your value proposition and unique messaging. This can be done visually, but perhaps more importantly through copywriting, as well.
A Responsive & Mobile Compatible Website
Since more people use their mobile phone than a computer to connect to websites, it’s no surprise that a website should be optimized for viewing on mobile devices. Having a mobile-friendly site means that it loads onto a mobile device and tablets, but it can still have flaws like making users pinch and zoom for a closer look. That’s why it’s not enough to just be mobile-friendly, all websites should opt for a responsive website design. This means that the display of a website will change based on the device of the user and offer a seamless user experience.
Clear Call-to-Action
A website is a great tool for building credibility and informing visitors about your company, but perhaps most importantly a website is your online point of sale. Having a clear, easy to access call-to-action directs your customers to a desired response. Depending on the structure of your business this could be the purchase of a product, filling out a form, signing up for an e-newsletter, or placing a phone call.
Whatever your call-to-action may be, make sure that it is on every page possible so visitors can find what they need quickly. It is important that it also appears before the user has to scroll down on the page.
Take Your Brand to the Next Level with Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing is a full-service advertising agency offering over 25 years of experience. We’ve helped businesses across many different industries establish powerful branding strategies within their relevant markets. Through various traditional and digital marketing tactics, our specialists can determine the most effective strategy based on your goals. Whether you’re looking to launch a new brand or update what you already have, we can help get your brand noticed. Contact us today by visiting our contact page or calling (561) 688-8155 to learn more.